Thursday, November 28, 2013

About our differences and choices

How people can be different from each other is kind of the main theme that I went for in my book. I believe I didn't even explore this enough, there's so much that can be said and discussed.

I actually struggle with my differences quite a lot. Every social environment that I participate for some time, eventually I always become that guy that people just don't get, and they are all like "man, what's up with that guy". It never really bothered me though, I really love the way I am. But well, it creates its issues.

The biggest issue is the relationship with my father. It's really really hard for us to engage in long conversations. There's just not much we can talk about with each other. It created this gap between us, it's like we just try to not get in each other's way.

The thing is, on a less personal note, people are just different from each other. But these differences can be really hard to comprehend sometimes. People feel things differently, and there are times that someone is trying hard to understand just what's up with this other person, but they just can't, they can't feel the same things. You can try to understand, and you might get it, but you still won't feel it, you just have to accept and take their word for it. And this can be HARD. You know what I'm saying?

Do you have any case in your life where you know someone that you just don't get, and find it hard to understand them? I would love to know your story.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Welcome to the Choices ebook blog!

Wow! Someone actually came here! I have to say this is pretty exciting.

My intent with this blog is to create discussions about various and any subjects. Let's talk about life, our opinions, our choices. Hopefully I can create an engaging environment for people to participate and we can learn stuff from each other.

Please visit the blog every now and then. I'll try to keep it fresh with interesting stuff to talk about.

Feel free to ask me anything about the e-book, or to praise it, or tell me how much you hated it and how it was a waste of your time. It's all good.

Anyway, welcome!