Sunday, August 3, 2014

Is social equality an ideal that should be pursued?

People are different from each other, right? They have varying sets of qualities and disqualities. Wouldn't that mean that some people might deserve better treatment than others?

Let's think of a fictional perfect society. Should everyone have equal rights and equal opportunities or should those people be divided between the worthy and the not so worthy? Which model would propel growth?

I'm on the side that social equality is an ideal that can't work very well, but either way there will be people dissatisfied, that are bothered by the system or their positions.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

It's hard to express yourself in the lower chain of the company

Today I had some feedback from kind of a job interview thing, and gosh it was HARSH. He was talking about my lack of profissionalism and lack of maturity, and I could only hear it all and nod. I'm not saying that ideally a person should be able to speak up. Don't. Your senior is speaking from his experience and ideals which are always valuable, and people need time to process information and come up with a resolution. I think he nailed quite well some stuff he said about me, but values differ from person to person.

It's not the first time I'm called immature. Apparently my idea of maturity is different from everyone else. I think most people see mature as, mainly, hardworking, but also with good professional and social conduct. I see maturity as someone who is very emotionally intelligent, someone that can make the right decisions in life for himself and others, someone that learns from errors and really ponders on the subjects that affect him.

Anyone will say that being a hardworking person will lead you to success. Most times it will. I think hardworking is a good quality. But if you look at it from a especific perspective, it may not be a good quality. Being a hardworker won't always make you happy. Money isn't as closely related to happiness as people think. There is research that was done to back up this information.

So I did some thinking and I ended up disagreeing with a lot of what he said, and I'll have to think carefully if I want to approach him and talk about it. In thruth I don't even think the problem with my interview thing was a maturity or a hardworking problem, even though I talked about it. I think it partially is, but not significantly so.

Anyone have any stories?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Relationship tips

Ok, I'm not really giving relationship tips. I've seen vids on youtube about people attempting to give tips, and there are general advices that can be good, things like try not to seem desperate, know when to give your partner some space, learn to let go when it's needed, or try to show your appreciation for the things you love, etc etc. I'm not going to advise any of that. I believe that every person has his own individual case, and some things may be better for some but worse for others. To give real tips you need to accompany the case more closely.

But I do have one tip. Well, maybe not a tip but more like a philosophy.
If you want a lasting, strong and true relationship, there is one thing that is completely fundamental.
The most important thing in a relationship is... honesty.

And honesty can be evaluated in many different levels. The first one is... honesty with yourself.

If you aren't sure of your feelings, your relationship is kind of doomed. You need to know your feelings first. Your partner will notice you're having second thoughts if you're always looking indecisive.

The thing is, sometimes people just can't tell if they ARE in love, or WANT to be in love. Telling which one is the case can actually be pretty hard. When you want to be in love, you still feel euphoric when you are spending time with your partner, cuddling in the sheets, watching a movie, spending time with him/her, you feel really good about yourself. But that's because you just like the idea of having someone to share these moments, and I wouldn't blame you for that, but don't feel surprised when the enchantment just fades suddenly. It's different than being in love, because then you wouldn't want to trade that person with anyone else.

Besides being honest with yourself, next comes, obviously, being honest with your partner. To me if you are not honest with your partner, it kind of misses the point of being in a relationship. What's the point if you can't be yourself and be loved for who you are?

If you are not being yourself, and always honest, it's probably one of two reasons: insecurity or you just don't give a shit. If it's the latter, you better realise that you can be wasting your partners time and devotion, which can be immensily painful for him/her if prolongued. If you're just insecure about being honest, that can be worked on and improved. Eventually you have to take leaps of faith. If you're not being accepted, he/she just might not be the one for you.

Does anyone have any stories to share with me?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

About our differences and choices

How people can be different from each other is kind of the main theme that I went for in my book. I believe I didn't even explore this enough, there's so much that can be said and discussed.

I actually struggle with my differences quite a lot. Every social environment that I participate for some time, eventually I always become that guy that people just don't get, and they are all like "man, what's up with that guy". It never really bothered me though, I really love the way I am. But well, it creates its issues.

The biggest issue is the relationship with my father. It's really really hard for us to engage in long conversations. There's just not much we can talk about with each other. It created this gap between us, it's like we just try to not get in each other's way.

The thing is, on a less personal note, people are just different from each other. But these differences can be really hard to comprehend sometimes. People feel things differently, and there are times that someone is trying hard to understand just what's up with this other person, but they just can't, they can't feel the same things. You can try to understand, and you might get it, but you still won't feel it, you just have to accept and take their word for it. And this can be HARD. You know what I'm saying?

Do you have any case in your life where you know someone that you just don't get, and find it hard to understand them? I would love to know your story.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Welcome to the Choices ebook blog!

Wow! Someone actually came here! I have to say this is pretty exciting.

My intent with this blog is to create discussions about various and any subjects. Let's talk about life, our opinions, our choices. Hopefully I can create an engaging environment for people to participate and we can learn stuff from each other.

Please visit the blog every now and then. I'll try to keep it fresh with interesting stuff to talk about.

Feel free to ask me anything about the e-book, or to praise it, or tell me how much you hated it and how it was a waste of your time. It's all good.

Anyway, welcome!